Hello family and friends!
Nick and I have started preparing to go tree-planting again in Nova Scotia, Antigonish.
This is round two for us and this year we have the pleasure of Aly and Jake's company! We're expecting it to be a great summer full of aching muscles and big bug bites!
We have spread ourselves out across my living room floor and have been going over and over our list. We haven't quite packed up yet but are planning on doing so very soon. Hopefully we'll be able to fit into 3 suitcases this time instead of 5...
and of course, Nick is taking a rest while I do all the work!
We also did our very first weigh-in:
Heather- 130 lbs
Nick- 152 lbs
Keep these numbers in mind! We'll weigh again when we return!
We decided that paint-balling might be a good way to prepare so we went in yesterday!
It's sufficient to say that Nick kicked my butt...and now I have many welts to go along with my soon to be aching muscles...
Keep an eye out for updates and funny stories!
If the blogs stop coming, assume we've been eaten by coyotes...
We will miss you all very much! Have a good summer!
Nick and Heather